Conquerors Introduction

    The heart of history is the relationship between God and mankind. Each year's studies takes us into a particular era in the history of the world, and with it is always found a lesson for us today. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10 that the history recorded in scripture was preserved as examples to those of us who would follow, that we may learn from their experiences and hopefully gain wisdom for our own lives.

     This years studies takes us into the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan and the period of the Judges.

 The heart of our studies will be "more than conquerors", and we will focus on the power of God for all types of deliverance, whether physical or spiritual.

      My prayer is that as we delve into our study on this era in Biblical history, we will see more clearly the heart of God in both His ever present justice and mercy.
