Cat of Bubastes Project
The Cat of Bubastes
by G.A. Henty
Narration and Summary, [incorporates Art History]:
Make an Egyptian style scroll with ten chronological panels telling the story, highlighting key events and using Egyptian styled artwork.
- Identify ten key events and decide which scene depicts that the best.
- Divide long sheet of paper into ten sections, labeling each with a short description or title.
- Draw the scenes and colour them.
Scene 1: The battle of the Rebu and the Egyptians
Scene 2: Amuba and Jethro carried off as slaves
Scene 3: The household of Ameres with Chebron and Mysa
Scene 4: Chebron rescueing Ruth from the crocodile
Scene 5: Chebron’s arrow killing the cat of Bubastes
Scene 6: Amuba and Chebron in hiding
Scene 7: The rescue of Mysa and Ruth
Scene 8: The journey back to Rebu nation
Scene 9: The battle against the imposter king and the Egyptian garrison
Scene 10: Amuba made king, marriage to Mysa, Chebron’s marriage to Ruth
*For younger students, a simple retelling of the story, or their favourite part of the story depending on how young, accompanied by a single illustration, will suffice.
Critical Thinking and Rhetoric:
In discussion format, ask the following questions, without leads or correction. Allow opinions to be shared. Share your own. After talking about it, (not preaching), give out paper and pencils, and with Bibles open:
- Ask students to write about Romans 1:19-23, in light of The Cat of Bubastes. Length is irrelevant. However long it takes to expound upon the subject and come to a conclusion is all that is necessary.
- Ask students to prepare a speach about Romans 1:19-23, in light of the story. They can use the paper for notes. Again, length of speech is irrelevant; if the subject is addressed and a point made, it is complete.
If student has errant theology, have them look up verses that relate and will help steer them the right direction. Do not outright correct them; let them discover the truth in light of the Word of God.
Question to consider:
- In what ways is the Egyptian religion described by Romans 1:18-23?
- What role did the priests have in this?
- What error about God’s attributes resulted in this false religion?
*For younger students, read them the verses, part by part, asking leading questions along the way to help them connect the Word of God with the story.
Example: Read verse 19. Ask: “In the story, who were the men who ‘suppressed the truth in unrighteousness?’, which means that they tried to hide the truth about God from other people?” Answer: the priests. Etc.
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