"Sojourners" is a one year, literature based, History course covering the lives and times of the Patriarchs and Moses, as recorded in the first five books of the Bible.
Beginning with Abraham in Genesis 12, and continuing on through Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, we follow these men of faith through their lives and pilgrimage to the end of Genesis, during the first half of the year.
We pick up in Exodus with the story of Moses and Israel's deliverance from bondage in Egypt. All through the second half of the year, we follow the children of Israel as they dwell in tent for 40 years in the wilderness, focusing on the Law and Tabernacle that were established by God during that time period.
With an introduction to the Covenant of Grace established with Abraham that predated the Mosaic Law as well as the sacrificial system that was the foreshadowing of Christ's complete sacrifice as the Lamb of God, this year's studies provide a wealth of opportunity to discuss important foundational truths with our children.
Sojourners Introduction
Sojourners Resources
Sojourners Activities
Bible Devotional: Our Sojourn
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